31 October, 2010

The Treat

Halloween, the holiday where children go around though the neighborhoods begging for candy from hard-working citizens. Sure, begging for candy or scaring other people can be a fun treat. However, a better treat than candy or scaring is shooting the children. Children at this time are wearing colorful costumes and so are their parents. Also, with the ingested candy, they are more alert, thus they are more animated and you can get awesome shots. The only downside is that you need the lower f-stop and a higher iso. Once you do that, you are set to make great shots. Now, whether or not you can compose it well is fully up to you.
-Simply Complicated

30 October, 2010

The Glow

At midnight, there was a midnight fun run at my school and many people had some interesting costumes on, but my costume was the best out of all of them. After the race, I made good use of the glow sticks before the glow wore off. As you can tell, we made a mess of it.
-Simply Complicated

29 October, 2010

The Grinder

As I was preparing for a fun run, I noticed a spectacular sunset. Immediately, I rushed to the spot to take some awesome photos. Most of the photos were typical sunset pictures, but then I saw a new item from the construction site, it was really cool looking, so I took a lot of shots of it. I really like getting industrial objects and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
-Simply Complicated

The Cold Play

Shooting sports in the evening can really suck if you don't have warm clothing. As I was shooting some games, my hands were freezing; I was wearing a jacket, and gloves, but the jacket was the only thing that really did something. What did distract me from my freezing pain were two little girls who were playing with each other as their parents were playing their game of ultimate Frisbee. The two girls were adorable and I love to shoot children because you can do more with the shooting. Also, children are slightly more difficult to shoot because they can be camera shy, move around too much, or be very uncooperative. I got camera shy ones, but they were not terribly camera shy, which worked out, because they did not pose, instead all of the shots were candid which is what I like and I think people like that as well.
-Simply Complicated

27 October, 2010

The Curry

I made curry today, and it was delicious! I also did some long exposures, and they were awesome.
-Simply Complicated

26 October, 2010

The 500

I saw '(500) Days of Summer" for the second time today with some friends. The first time I had seen the movie, I did not like it. Now, I like it better. During the film, I got shots of things laying on the ground. The vital role in this is to have a very small aperture so everything has crisp and clean edges. Once you do that, and the shutter is exposed (it will a long one) do not move the camera at all. Otherwise, your picture will not look good, and you would not want that.
-Simply Complicated

25 October, 2010

The Bright-Side

Snow is just beginning to fall which means two things: running and biking will suck, but shooting will be awesome. In my photography class we are doing a long-term project which deals with lighting. There is the normal lighting that just comes from the sun, but there is also the lighting that will come off the reflection of the snow. So I am looking on the bright-side of things ... for now.
-Simply Complicated

24 October, 2010

The Raining

Storm clouds were brewing in the morning, and by the time I needed to leave to go back to school it was already raining. I will miss my family and the mountains, but I hope that I will get the chance to go back soon. Driving, however, was a different story. The storm hit us so hard, I could barely see 20 meters ahead us! All of us did make it home safely, but it was very difficult getting here.
-Simply Complicated

23 October, 2010

The Soccer

It was the last game of the season for my cousins soccer leagues. It was a lot of fun and I was able to spend the day with my relatives. I am so happy that I get to hang with them, even though w did not do exciting things with them, they do make home seem not too far away.
-Simply Complicated

22 October, 2010

The Get-Go

Being spontaneous can be a very fun an exciting unsureity. What I did spontaneously was make a trip with friends into Utah today. This event was quickly thought through, but still, I had to immediately get up and go for this event and it will be totally worth it. Not only will I get to see my aunt and her family, but I also ge to see my sister as well. I am extremely excited to be here and I cannot wait for events to unfold.
-Simply Complicated

21 October, 2010

The Studying

I have been studying all day and I feel as though I have not retained anything! I took a break for doing some light shooting, and then I took another break for talking on the phone with family as well. Tests really suck and they do not like me either. If any of you readers have any study tips, post a comment to let me know your top study tip(s).
-Simply Complicated

20 October, 2010

The Pipe

I visited the same location today, and I think it got creepier! The overall lighting changed and it was during twilight when the pohoto was taken. Monet was a master of judging light, and any photographer should do a differential lighting shot, whereas one should become a good judge of the natural light rather that depend on artificial light. However, when you shoot, you should be having fun and enjoying yourself, otherwise I would not suggest that you should buy a professional camera, rather, you should make a small investment in what you feel you may like so you may have something joyous in your life.
-Simply Complicated

19 October, 2010

The Eerie

As I have mentioned before, there is construction happening at near my dorm. Passing by their area of lounging got me in a state of feeling for Halloween. This photo was tweaked in a way that it is supposed to be gross-looking. Hopefully this gives you that Halloween eerie feeling.
-Simply Complicated

18 October, 2010

The Joy

Family home evening, an evening filled with fun, games and videos. There was charades, then laughter, finishing with watching clips of Saturday Night Live, everyone had a blast. My good friends Jason and Elise really enjoyed the clips and continued watching after most were gone. Those two are such good friends and I feel an unbreakable bond beginning to form. I have felt nothing but joy with my "family" and anticipate the time I will see them again.
-Simply Complicated

17 October, 2010

The Light

Oh Sundays, how I fill the empty time with watching videos online or doing homework. Unfortuately, my computer is being fixed and I have had to use my roomates computer instead (which is not a bad thing, but is rude to him). To fill the time, my neighbors and I went to a friends apartment and baked carrot cookies, which were delicious! While we ate the delicious treat, we saw a documantary which lit what was behind the curtain of what we eat. I was not surprised, they were horrified.
-Simply Complicated

16 October, 2010

The Start

In the morning, cross country runners begin their morning ritual of going for a run. Today, that ritual had slightly changed with the start of a gun. The gun for the start of a race, and that was when students at BYU-I sprang from the starting line. Fortunately for me, I run cross country and got plenty of shots. Sporting events are fun to shoot and easy, well ... at least for running that is, and it was a lot of fun. Too bad nobody got shots of me racing ...
-Simply Complicated

15 October, 2010

The Nerds

An underground dance happened today in Rexburg. It was pretty cool that there was actually a dance that happened by word-of-mouth (or so I think); something I did not expect to find in Idaho of all places, but I did, and had a lot of fun. Trying to take a good still shot of people dancing on the dance floor was difficult and frustrating because you have to try and synchronize with the flashing lights. Then by accident I was doing a long exposure, I accidently paned the camera around the room and discovered this really cool strobe shot effect. The effect turned out awesome! I think that I will be experiment with this more ...
-Simply Complicated

14 October, 2010

The Pick

Out of all of my alternatives, I left the final choice of the abstract to my professor. For me, making a good decision is extremely difficult, for many reasons. In this case, I wanted an "A", after narrowing it down to four good abstracts (you have seen two so far), my professor picked one that I did not care too much for. For whatever reason what I pick is not always the favored one, which brings me to the realization that I am not very good at making a good solid choice. So, dear readers, I ask you to comment any advice you have on how to make a good and effective choice that is favorable to all. Please, don't be shy, because this is something I struggle with in ways other than photography. Also once again, please make comments on my posts so I know what you do like and what you do not so for future reference I know what is more favorable to post.
-Simply Complicated

13 October, 2010

The Bad Mirror

Ghosties are a good break from studying, but people do think that you are weird. Try it out, who knows, maybe you will get a really creative one. I learned recently that this style used to be a big fad, but it grew out. I like to think that I am bring ghosties back!
-Simply Complicated

12 October, 2010

The Focus

As I was shooting. I decided to entertain the thought of an out of focus photo as a part of my abstract photo project. I personally am not a fan of it, however, other people really liked it. I don't know why, but as long as it appeals to a crowd, it is something worth posting. Sometimes a photographer will go with a shot that they do not feel very much about but other people really love. This is an example of how editors win all, and it is not "selling out" necessarialy, but it is producing the ability to be able to appeal to a crowd, and sometimes, that is all that counts.
-Simply Complicated

11 October, 2010

The Fire Cone

While shooting abstract photos today, one stood out, and it was an orange cone that looked as though it were on fire. How the  shot was achieved, was through flash and long exposure. sometimes you need to be creative to get a great image, even though it may be easy to shoot an abstract picture, it is difficult to get a very good, one of a kind photo.
-Simply Complicated

10 October, 2010

The Auditorium

As priorly mentioned, there has been construction around campus. The main part of the construction project is for this great big auditorium. The work will finish by the end of the school semester at the latest, but it already looks so fantastic from the outside, students cannot wait to go inside and check it out.
-Simply Complicated

09 October, 2010

The Gardens

After a hard workout, I strolled around the Gardens at my school. There is much to see and smell  and it seems every time I go there, there is something not yet observed. So, it is crucial to observe everything around you, because you will be amazed by something.
-Simply Complicated

08 October, 2010

The Metal

Strolling around places can be very interesting, you never know what you will find. As I was strolling around deserted areas of campus, I came across something marked garbage, however that was not my first thought. One man's garbage is another man's treasure, or in this case, art. My initial reaction was how a piece of art was simply sitting on the floor waiting to be thrown away; I would have taken it back to my dorm, but I am not strong enough to carry it. So you photographers out there, or anyone really, look around and enjoy every sight, you never know, you may find something spectacular.
-Simply Complicated

07 October, 2010

The Front

A front has been moving in. Some people get depressed or frustrated others get frightened and then some get excited. Some students here get that way, including myself. It is difficult to understand what there is to be angry about over rain; it help vegetation grow, it is a natural sprinkler, and people love to dance in it. Sure, rain may cause landslides, car accidents, ruined items, and such, but the benefits far outweigh the downsides. As I was strolling around campus, many people acted frustrated about the rain, so I shot one frustrated citizen to show you what I'm sure all of you have probably already seen (not an unoriginal photo, but the expression of the person).
-Simply Complicated

06 October, 2010

The Lightning

Our dorm building got struck by lightning. It caused the fire alarms to go off, but fortunately there was no fire. Unfortunately, roof access on the building is prohibited which did not give a good vantage point for shooting the lightning storm that was happening for a few hours. However, cameras can create a lightning effect, that is, if you can do it right. This is not perfect, but it is a work in progress.
-Simply Complicated

05 October, 2010

The Ribbons

I have an assignment in photo that is for one of my favorite things to shoot: abstract. Abstract photos can be a lot of fun to take, and very easy too! The only issue with it is, they are generally a dime a dozen. I don't care though, I like to show people cool things one can do with a camera, and it really can impress. So go out and have some fun, I will, and you will be sure to see many more abstract for about a week.
-Simply Complicated

04 October, 2010

The Dance

I had been invited to go to the school's dance studio to take photographs of the dancers. I got the shots, but a little too many good shots; it was difficult to pick my favorite one, but I did it.
-Simply Complicated

03 October, 2010

The Cattle

On the way back from Utah, I noticed a lot of cattle around. It did not come as any surprise; Utah + Idaho + fields = cattle,  it is logical, but the reality did not strike until the masses of cattle came to be. Getting shots while driving can be difficult; your priority: fastest shutter speed with lowest available ISO and you will be set. However, Utah will be missed, Rexburg does not have family nor mountains nearby, I anticipate the day I am able to go back for another weekend and have fun with family, but until then, I am stuck here in farmville.
-Simply Complicated

02 October, 2010

The Flash

Wake up, shower, help family, shoot soccer games, Costco run, help out some more, go to meetings, go to family gathering. It seems as though I have been very busy, however, somehow I have managed to get some studying done as well, but it was fun overall. Utah has been a lot of fun and I will count off the days until I can come back for another weekend of fun family funtivities. Sports photography is simple, if you have the right lens. You will need a high zoom lens that goes no more than 200mm, if you have a lens with a wide range such as 18mm-250mm: you are set for life, if it has a wide aperture: even better. Just make sure all the action is within the frame and you are set; everything else is up to you.
-Simply Complicated

01 October, 2010

The Train

I arrived at my aunts house after a three hour car drive and a half hour train ride. The way I got here was from general conference and almost everyone from my university fled campus to go to Salt Lake City, Utah. Fortunately I did not flee for conference, but I did flee campus to have fun with family and have a good change in scenery. All photographers need to have a change in scenery to get good shots and not get bored of their normal surroundings, that is probably a reason why the photographers at National Geographic get such great shots ... well that, but the photographers also have most excellent editors as well. Someday, I do hope to be a photographer for National Geographic, but for the time being I need to work at the little things in order to work towards my goal for a career. The little things should be something along the lines of a newspaper columnist, a small magazine contributor, or a photo-book author.
-Simply Complicated

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